Tolbooth Museum, Stonehaven Harbour, Aberdeenshire AB39 2JU 07512 466329
Stonehaven Tolbooth

Once again we have had pleasure in hosting AfterDark Paranormal Investigations for another night at the Tolbooth museum. As you will see from the attached report the company had an excellent night and appeared to have enjoyed themselves immensely. The museum was only too pleased to aid them in their investigations.

Below is a small extract from the full report,

The investigation began in the area of the building which the shop is within. Everyone stood round the glass display cases and in the darkness we started to call out for spirits to come forward. Banging and knocking was heard and the noise of metal clanging. The area became very cold despite the rest of the building still being warm. We asked that spirit affect some of the group and some members felt cold air being blown on their cheeks and one lady felt she had a child standing beside her holding her hand. On a previous investigation of the Tolbooth we had a young boy called David and his sister. Could this have been the same child?

Download this file (AfterDark_2014.pdf)AfterDark_2014.pdf47 kB

Ghoulish Going-ons

Opening Hours

Free Admission - Everyone Welcome

Monday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Thursday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Friday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Saturday 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Sunday 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Sorry We Are Closed

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Stonehaven Tolbooth
Stonehaven Tolbooth Association
Old Pier, Stonehaven Harbour,
Scotland. United Kingdom
AB39 2JU
Phone: (mob) 07512 466329 (Opening hours only)
OSCR Charity: SC043279
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